What Does My SERTM Rating Mean?
SERTM is a relatively new standard in the air conditioning and heating industry. It stands for System Efficiency Ratio. It’s an efficiency rating of your installed system, including the effects of the ducting and the construction of your home. Look inside to understand what SER means to you, your home comfort and your pocket book.
It’s Simple Math
When an NCI certified contractor measures the SERTM of your system, the test reveals the ratio of actual heating or cooling delivery compared to the rated amount the equipment produced when the manufacturer tested the equipment. For example, if an air conditioner worked perfectly, it would be rated at a CSERTM of 100%. But if it only delivered half the cooling, the CSER would be 50%. In simple terms, 14 SEER air conditioning equipment could only operate like 7 SEER equipment.
HSER stands for Heating System Efficiency Ratio – it rates your heating system’s efficiency. CSER represents Cooling System Efficiency Ratio and rates the efficiency of your air conditioning system. This rating provides specific information about the performance of your system that has never been available to consumers before. More important, the testing that establishes the rating identifies exactly what needs to be done to your system to improve your comfort and efficiency.
How Can My SERTM Rating be Increased?
While new high efficiency heating and cooling equipment may help, the number one factor in determining system efficiency is your duct system. Heating and cooling travels through ducts that are often too restrictive, damaged, poorly maintained, or improperly designed and installed from the beginning. Your certified contractor can fix many of these problems and increase your SER. An NCI certified Combustion Analyst can also measure and adjust your furnace’s combustion efficiency for maximum fuel savings.